The following organisations support the aims of the Changing Places campaign. If you would like your organisation to be added then please email us: changingplaces@musculardystrophyuk.org
- AccessAble
- Accessible Planet - wheelchair accessible!
- Access Association (The)
- Accessible Derbyshire
- Accessiblehotels.org.uk
- ACE - Advisory Committee to Enable, Scotland
- Action Group, Scotland
- Age Concern Cymru
- Airport Parking Shop
- AirTeem
- All Party Disability Group (Westminster)
- All Party Group on Learning Disability (Westminster)
- American Restroom Association
- Andy Loos
- ARC Scotland
- Astor Bannerman
- Australian Toilet Association
- Aveso
- Back-Up Trust
- Better Days
- Bladder and Bowel UK
- Blue Badge Style
- Bog Standard
- Bramber Construction Co Ltd
- Brain and Spine Foundation
- British Institute of Learning Disabilities
- British Toilet Association
- Buddies Club Playscheme
- Bus Diaries (The)
- Capability Scotland
- Carers UK
- Carers Wales
- Carers Scotland
- Centre for Accessible Environments
- Child Brain Injury Trust
- Children in Scotland
- Church of Scotland
- Citron Hygiene
- Clark and Partners
- Cri du Chat
- Coloplast
- Colostomy Association
- Contact A Family UK
- Continence Foundation
- Cross Party Group Learning Disability, Scottish Parliament
- Crohn's Disease Support Group
- Denbighshire Learning Disability Forum
- DealsQueen
- Disability Cornwall
- Disability Inclusion Society
- Disabled Directory
- Disabled Motorists Federation
- Disability Alliance
- Disabled Persons Housing Service
- Down's Syndrome Association
- Down's Syndrome Scotland
- Dundee ACCESS Group
- Dundee City Council
- Dystonia Society
- ENABLE Glasgow
- Enable Supplies Ltd
- ENABLE Scotland
- Epilepsy Scotland
- E-toilets Ltd
- Euan's Guide
- Every Disabled Child Matters (EDCM)
- Fair Deal
- Family Seat Company
- Felgains
- Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities
- gbpartnerships
- Guldmann
- HandryersUK
- handydryers
- Help for Heroes - "Support for our Wounded"
- iHUS
- Inclusion Alliance, Scotland
- Inclusion Group, Dundee
- Incontact
- Innova Care Concepts
- Intelligent hand dryers
- Invest In Access
- ITAAL - Is There an Accessible toilet?
- Key Housing
- Kingkraft Ltd
- Learning Disability Alliance Scotland
- Learning Disability Coalition
- Learning Disability Wales
- Leonard Cheshire Disability
- Lincolnshire County Council - Short Breaks
- Liverpool Wheelchair User Group (LWUG)
- Looseeker
- Mencap
- Mobility and Support Information Service (MASIS)
- Mobiloo
- Motor Neurone Disease Association
- Multiple Sclerosis Society
- Muscular Dystrophy UK
- N & C Phlexicare
- NASPCS (Charity of Incontinent & Stoma Children)
- National Autistic Society
- National Development Team for Inclusion
- National Association of Disabled Supporters (NADS)
- National Education Union
- North Ayrshire Community Care Forum
- Nottingham City Council
- OpeMed
- Paediatric Continence Forum
- Parent to Parent, Tayside
- Parents for Inclusion
- PH Partnership
- PMLD-Link
- Promoting A More Inclusive Society (PAMIS)
- Quarriers - Break-a-way Project
- Rebound Therapy
- Red Cross
- Rett Syndrome Association UK
- Rett Syndrome Association, Scotland
- RNIB Scotland
- RNIB Service on Multiple Disability
- ROMPA International
- Rose Road Association
- Rough Guide to Accessible Britain
- Scottish Borders Transport Forum
- Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability
- Scottish Disability Equality Forum
- Scottish Society for Autism
- Sense Scotland
- SHARE Scotland
- Smirthwaite
- Solutions, Training and Advisory Ltd
- Southern Care Systems Ltd
- Southern Coalition of Access Panels
- Spinal Injuries Association
- Sunergeo Disability Consultants
- The Cardiff & Vale Parents Federation
- The Children's Trust
- The same as you? Team, Scottish Executive
- Together for short lives
- Total Hygiene Limited
- Tourism for All, UK
- Trailblazers- Muscular Dystrophy UK
- Tuberous Sclerosis Association
- United Response
- University of Dundee
- University of St. Andrews
- Values into Action Scotland
- Visits Unlimited
- Wealden Rehab
- Whizz-kidz
- World Toilet Association
- Yorkshirecareequipment.com