Visits Unlimited - Conference Speakers
Visits Unlimited is Community Interest Company formed by families for families with the sole purpose to help venues offer superior service for disabled visitors and families with disabled children. Our Directors hold over 35 years personal experience of disability as parent carers and many years professional experience in the disability field.
Visits Unlimited offer a unique service to the tourist industry. Promoting the cause for accessible tourism, we share our passion, insight and ethos by facilitating bespoke packages of consultancy and training to meet client needs operating from within the UK or overseas.
Visits Unlimited Aspirations for our Disabled Visitors
A safe experience,
An inclusive experience,
Guaranteed positive welcome on a visit experience,
Minimal barriers in accessing services,
Confidence to return with their friends and extended family,
A positive family experience shared together,
Confident employees with “Can do” attitude,
Venues that go above and beyond legislative duties
To TRUST the venue.
Visits Unlimited Aspirations for our Client Organisations
Increased visitor numbers through repeat footfall,
Visitor loyalty and advocacy,
Improved organisational profile,
Empowered and confident employees,
Employee increased awareness understanding of the Law
Ethos that celebrates inclusivity and equality; a truly accessible venue.
The Big Picture
Visits Unlimited passion is fuelled from understanding the emotional benefits achieved from spending family time together. Emotional wellbeing for disabled visitors and their families benefits society.
Our work is encapsulated within our moto:
“Broadening Horizons, Creating Memories”