Monthly Report-September 2015
(Click here for an accessible version of this report)
We have had a busy month and are completing the final stages of the new website map that will be going live sometime in October.
It was good to see this month that all Premier League Clubs will be improving their offer to disabled supporters and we hope this will add to the Arsenal and Liverpool Changing Places toilets. http://www.premierleague.com/en-gb/news/news/2015-16/sep/140915-premier-league-clubs-commit-to-improving-accessibility.html
We have had interest from a cathedral venue in the UK looking to install a Changing Places which will be a first!
Coming soon.....
Next month we are meeting with Welcome Break to discuss Changing Places at their motorway service stations across the UK and later in October we are working with Aveso and the facilitator of the Changing Places facebook community page and forum to provide a training session for new campaigners. The facebook page now has over 8,000 likes and continues to be a great forum for campaigners along with our own twitter account.
Toilets added to the map this month:
Ellon Academy Community Campus, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 9FP
Lowestoft Community Hub, Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 2EZ
There are now 767 Changing Places toilets listed on the current map