Luke Nash launches Changing Places Impact report
Luke Nash has been a passionate and successful campaigner for Changing Places toilets. Recently, he conducted an in-depth survey on the impact of Changing Places toilets in society. We are proud to present his report. Keep on reading to hear from Luke himself and see his report below. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank Luke for all his tireless campaigning and awareness raising- he is a true Changing Places champion.
The Impact of Changing Places Toilets, written by Luke Nash, a person directly affected
"On the 1st June 2018, I launched a report which has been written to highlight the impact of Changing Places Toilets. Which affects over 250,000 people in their day to day lives."
"My long-term plan is to hopefully change legislation on disabled toilets across the country, in order to make sure no matter where you are in the United Kingdom every large building or venue includes facilities for those with profound disabilities. This is a basic human right which the government is with holding from 250,000 individuals across the United Kingdom!"
"I have conducted an in-depth survey in which 113 people responded. This enabled me to present a case to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to look into part M of the building regulations act."
"Since my report has been published I have had multiple responses, including a powerful response from The Times newspaper who followed up with a fantastic article highlighting the issue and multiple emotive responses from many people who are personally affected by the lack of facilities."
"Please take the time to read my report. If you are a Changing Place Campaigner for yourself or others I would like to take a moment to personally thank you for all your hard work, support and dedication to making a change. We are closer than ever."
You can find Luke's report here and his blog here. Please share them online to help Luke in his mission of raising greater awareness.