New Changing Palces in Leicester
We are delighted to have registered the new Changing Places facility at the Leicester Sports Arena. Press release from the city council below.
You can find it on the new Changing Places map here.
Changing Places facilities available at new arena
TOILET facilities for people with profound disabilities have been incorporated into Leicester's brand new community sports arena.
The toilets – which offer a height-adjustable adult-sized changing bench, a ceiling track hoist, and plenty of space either side of the toilet for carers – are now open to the public at the Charter Street arena.
Deputy city mayor Cllr Rory Palmer, who’s responsible for adult social care, said: “These facilities can make a huge difference to the quality of life of thousands of disabled people.
“Over the past three years, the council has worked with disabled people and local organisations to install Changing Places in key locations across the city. It’s good to see these vital facilities being incorporated into new builds, like this arena.
“As more Changing Places are installed, more of the city will become accessible to people with disabilities – making Leicester and its attractions available to everyone.”
Kevin Routledge, chairman of the Leicester Riders and the project director for the Leicester Sports Arena said: “We are delighted to have this Changing Places facility, which is a really important asset for our arena, and for the city.
“The disabled facilities throughout the venue are to the very latest Sport England requirements, and this Changing Places facility is a key component of that provision. We consider that it ensures the arena will be seen as accessible for everyone in the community.”
The Changing Places facilities at the arena are open from 7am until 11pm from Monday to Friday. Opening times at weekends vary, so please check by calling the arena on 0116 326 9700.
A full list of all the Changing Places facilities in Leicester is available at www.leicester.gov.uk/changingplaces
Leicester’s new £4.8m arena was developed through a partnership between the city council, Leicester Riders and Leicester College, with funding also provided by the Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) and Sport England.
The arena is the new home for the Leicester Riders and the Leicester Cobras wheelchair basketball team.
More information is available at www.leicesterriders.co.uk