Learning Disability Week a huge success
This year’s Learning Disability Week took place from 22-28 June and in England and Northern Ireland it focused on the Changing Places campaign, calling for Changing Places toilets to be compulsory in all new big public buildings.
With over 70 events across the country promoting the campaign, and thousands of people raising the issue with their MP and local decision makers, it was a real success.
Beverley Dawkins, Chair of the Changing Places Consortium, said, “This year’s Learning Disability Week has been a huge achievement. Campaigners from accross the country have joined the fight for basic dignity for the 230,000 people who need Changing Places toilets. More than 70 awareness raising events have taken place, and with over 2000 people taking online action by wiritng to their MPs and local papers, and over 4000 signatures on our petition already, a big impact is being made.
And MPs are really listening - 51 MPs attended our parliamentary reception during the week, and the Minister responsible for planning has said that considering the inclusion of Changing Places toilets in the building regulations is a priority."
You can still watch the Learning Disability Week videos about the campaign and sign the petition for more Changing Places toilets. Go to www.mencap.org.uk/changelives