Februaury 2017- Monthly Update
It has been a short month but this has not affected us progressing further towards that 1000th mark. Click here for an easy read version of this update.
This month saw our Development Officer, Joanne Connah, have a trip to Nottingham to meet one of the original Consortium members Martin Jackaman. Martin gave Joanne a tour of all the Changing Places toilets in Nottingham City Centre and explained how the Consortium was formed and how the campaign was shaped. It was impressive and inspirational to hear how the campaign has developed from the early days and exciting to think how it is continuing to grow even stronger.

This month has shown us again how truly amazing the dedication of our local campaigners is; you inspire us daily!
With the likes of Alison Douthwaite and her campaign to get a Changing Places toilet in Frome; she has been able to make progress with Mendip Council agreeing to back the need for a Changing Places facility in the area.
If you would like to share your campaign story please contact the Consortium on: ChangingPlaces@mencap.org.uk
Changing Places Not on the Map
Please continue to keep and eye out for any Changing Places facilities you come across that are not on the Map, and email ChangingPlaces@mencap.org.uk so we can contact the venue and encourage them to register.
A number of the Changing Places Toilets which were registered this month have been through contacting venues/locations encouraging them to register their existing facilities.
New Changing Places
There has been 10 new toilets added to the Map this month, bringing the total for the end of this month up to 928