Consortium update- mobile hoists
Just before Christmas the Government announced that it would be consultaing on changes to the Building Standards around Changing Places toilets, with a similar consultation also taking place in Scotland at the moment. This means that there are likely to be some changes coming in the next few months around the grounds for registration of Changing Places toilets.
As a Consortium we always encourage venues to push for the highest possible standard when installing a Changing Places toilet.
We have had strong feedback from campaigners that whilst Changing Places toilets smaller than 12m2 ("undersized" Changing Places toilets) can meet the needs of some people, this is only viable if the toilet includes a ceiling track hoist because a mobile hoist reduces manovering space, undermining the accessibility of the toilet.
Following discussions as a Consortium we have agreed that we will no longer register any facilities under 12m2 that include a mobile hoist. This view will be reflected in our response to the Government consultation. We will make the case that ceiling track hoists should be a mandatory requirement for Changing Places toilets given the recognised manoeuvring issues associated with mobile hoists.
Our registration form has been updated accordingly and we are also updating other equipment advice on the website.
We are aware that we have historic registrations that include mobile hoists and will be reviewing how these toilets are listed once we have a final outcome of the Government consultation.
We strongly encourage all campaigners to respond to the Consultation when it launches later this year (dates TBC). However, if there are key points you want to make the Consortium aware of then please email changingplaces@musculardystrophyuk.org
There is also a Consultation currently taking place in Scotland around Changing Places standards. It closes on May 13th. You can take part here: https://consult.gov.scot/building-standards/changing-places-toilets/