Changing Places for Preston
Preston campaigners are calling for a Changing Places toilet to be opened in Preston city centre for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities and others who need extra support. The campaigners have handed over a letter to the Deputy Leader of Preston Council, Cllr. John Swindells, urging them to provide a Changing Places toilet. The group is lead by Rosemary McLean and daughter Hollie from Barton. The letter presented to the council stated: “Without the provision of a Changing Places toilet the person with disabilities may be put as risk as families are forced to risk their own health and safety by changing their loved one on a toilet floor. Building an extension to the side of Preston Community Transport, The Mobility Centre, Friargate would be an ideal place for your citizens to use.” Cllr. Swindells said: “We have got the market development and the new bus station so I am sure we could probably put one in there but I think they are looking at something sooner.” Cllr. Swindells said the council will explore possible options. The Changing Places consortium would like to congratulate all involved with this important campaign and we look forward to supporting the installation of more Changing Places in Preston.