Changing Places asks MPs to speak up
The Changing Places consortium has recently put forward Early Day Motion (EDM) 1713, a parliamentary tool that allows MPs to show support for issues they care about that will bring Changing Places toilet towards the top of the political agenda.Over 2000 people wrote to their MP during Learning disability week to call on them to lobby the government to make Changing Places toilets a compulsory part of new public building projects.
The EDM highlights the importance of Changing Places facilities to the over 230,000 people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis and older people and calls on MPs to pledge their support for the proposed changes to part M of the building regulations.
MPs must sign up to EDM 1713 and it is essential they do so before the Queen's speech in November, otherwise the opportunity will be lost and the last chance to persuade this government to take action will pass us by. Such an outcome would have such a negative impact on so many people who need Changing Places toilets making it even more necessary that MPs commit to making these essential changes.