Campaigners to call for change in Learning Disability Week
Learning Disability Week is a national awareness week. This year it takes place from Monday 22 to Sunday 28 June 2009 with the theme of Changing Places, Changing Lives.
The week is set to see a step-up in campaigning for more Changing Places toilets - with a hoist, changing bench and plenty of space - to be installed in big public places.
Campaigners will be calling on the government to change building regulations to make the provision of Changing Places toilets compulsory in new big public places. Events will be taking place across England and Northern Ireland where local campaigners will be demanding Changing Places toilets are installed in their local area.
How you can get involved
Email your MP, sign our petition, raise awareness of the need for Changing Places toilets, hold an event in your local area… These are just some of the ways you can make a life changing difference by getting involved in Learning Disability Week.
You can start taking action now by ordering a learning disability week pack, sending in your real life stories or organising a local event to take place in Learning Disability Week.
Who to contact
For more information about Learning Disability Week, please contact:
Telephone: 020 7696 6952
Email: ldw@mencap.org.uk