April 2016 - Monthly Update
An easy read version is available here.
10th Anniversary Celebrations
We have had a wonderful response already from campaigners and campaigning organisations who have been sending in their selfies and photos using the selfie kit produced by Changing Places campaigner Alison Beevers.
Thank you to everyone involved and especially Accessible Derbyshire and Sarah Mitchell who will be doing great things to highlight our 10th Anniversary and Changing Places Awareness Day on 19th July. Watch this space and let us know your plans!
Welcome Break Changing Places
Another Welcome Break Changing Places toilet has been registered this month at Fleet Services on the M3. Our campaign sponsors Aveso continue to work in partnership with Welcome Break to make sure that the number of Changing Places available for people on the travels who need them is increasing.
We would like to also thank Trailblazers who continue to support the Changing Places campaign and are campaigning for better access to driving across the UK. See their report here.
Thanks this month also must go to Sarah Mitchell who coordinates the Changing Places community facebook page and now has almost 14,000 likes. Sarah has been supporting many, many campaigners over the past month and provides a positive environment for people interested in the Changing Places campaign to find out more. Have a look here.
International News
The Changing Places message is spreading across the world and we have had a few discussions this month with campaigners and organisation who want to work with us to get their specific campaigns up and running.
As we approach our 10th anniversary and look towards registering over 1000 UK Changing Places we are proud that the campaign is growing in other countries and look forward to supporting them with our campaign sponsors Aveso.
Premier League Changing Places
More news coming soon about Changing Places toilets at new Premier League football clubs. Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United all have Changing Places toilets registered on the national website and map.
Aveso and consortium members continue to work hard in this area and we will be making an announcement soon about the next club to provide a Changing Places toilet at their ground.
Changing Places Map
The new Changing Places map has proved a great success with families and individuals who want to find their nearest Changing Places toilet or plan a journey.
Our work with the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and the British Toilet Association on the project has been really worthwhile and has benefitted many people.
The Changing Places Consortium
The Changing Places Consortium is a partnership between Pamis, the Centre for Accessible Environments, Mencap and expert individuals who have worked in the field of learning disability for many years.
Members first got together in 2005 and the consortium was launched back in 2006.
If you are campaigning or considering installing a new Changing Places facility you can contact the consortium on 0207 696 6019 to discuss you plans.
Campaigner News
Sarah Brisdian is a strong campaigner for Changing Places toilets and wrote this very powerful piece which you can find on the Changing Places facebook page and twitter feed. We wanted to share it with you. Thank you Sarah.

There are now 833 Changing Places toilets listed on the current map.
Toilets added to the map this month: